Manga Giveaway: Ayako Giveaway

The end of February draws near as does Experiments in Manga’s monthly manga giveaway! In celebration of Vertical’s paperback release of Osamu Tezuka’s Ayako (which just came out a couple of weeks ago) I’m giving away a new copy of the original hardcover edition which will now be going out of print. As always, the giveaway is open worldwide!

Even though only a small fraction of Osamu Tezuka’s total output is available in English, the “god of manga” is still very well represented. Vertical is one of Tezuka’s major publishers in English, but his works have also been released by Viz Media, Digital Manga, and Dark Horse. Later this year, PictureBox will also be joining the list of Tezuka’s English-language publishers. The range of Tezuka’s works available in English is also impressive: manga intended for children, manga for more mature audiences, science fiction, fantasy, horror, medical dramas, historical fiction…the list could go on for a while. Tezuka’s Adolf was my introduction to manga and so that series is very important to me, but at the moment Dororo is my personal favorite from the master.

So, you may be wondering, how can you win a new copy of Ayako?

1) In the comments below, tell me about your favorite Tezuka manga. (Never read any Tezuka? You can simply mention that.)
2) If you’re on Twitter, you can earn a bonus entry by tweeting about the contest. Make sure to include a link to this post and @PhoenixTerran (that’s me).

It’s as easy as that! Each person can earn up to two entries for this giveaway. As usual, you have one week to get your entries in. If you have trouble leaving comments, or if you would prefer, entries can be submitted to me via e-mail at phoenixterran(at)gmail(dot)com. I will then post the comment in your name. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on March 6, 2013. Good luck to you all!

VERY IMPORTANT: Include some way that I can contact you. This can be an e-mail address, link to your website, Twitter username, or whatever. If I can’t figure out how to get a hold of you and you win, I’ll just draw another name.

Contest winner announced—Manga Giveaway: Ayako Giveaway Winner

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  1. I’d have to go with Phoenix, particularly the second volume, “Future.” The scale is just so mind-blowing and moving. (djehutymes at gmail)

  2. My favorite Tezuka manga is Princess Knight by far. None of the other Tezuka manga I have read gave me such a fun and entertaining experience, which at the end of the day, is what I value the most in manga.

  3. inter4ever says

    My first Tezuka manga and current favorite is Adolf. I borrowed the 1st volume of Viz release from my library and enjoyed reading it. I preordered the new release by Vertical the day they were announced and finished reading it a few days ago. I didn’t expect it to be such an epic story. Now I am looking to read more of Tezuka’s mangas.
    Link to tweet below:

  4. Not sure if I qualify for this contest so feel free to disregard this, but I can’t pass up the possibility of free Tezuka! :)

    My favorite Tezuka manga is “Ode to Kirihito.” I can’t quite pinpoint why it’s my favorite, and it’s certainly not without some valid criticism (particularly when it comes to some very unfortunate depictions of Africans) but it’s an intriguing story and has very nice art throughout (racist depictions aside).

  5. Haven’t read any yet, but would like to.


  6. I’ve never read a Tezuka manga (for shame!).

  7. Haven’t read any Tezuka yet, though I’ve been meaning to for quite some time now!


  8. My favorite? Black Jack. I love that moody doctor so much. His stories are so much fun to read, and the fact Tezuka was studying to be a doctor makes them so well researched.

  9. Super hard question! I’d have to say Ode to Kirihito, which just dominated my attention when I first saw it in the bookstore, and it’s rarely left my side since. intelligent, thrilling, dramatic and depressing, they just don’t come much better than that!

    (tweet at: )

  10. It’s hard to pick just one, but I’d have to say Phoenix is my favorite simply because it was the first work of his I ever read in English. I never got to read the whole series but I Esp loved the first 3 vols.

    Retweeting on twitter!

  11. really hard to choose one, but definitely either Princess Knight or Adolf.

  12. I’ve only been able to read Buddha, Adolf and Princess Knight, and between these I’d probably go with Buddha, Adolf coming a close second :)

  13. I loved Buddha and Ode to Kirohito, but I’ll go with Phoenix vol.2, the first Tezuka book I’ve read and the only Phoenix volume I own. I’m a sucker for beautiful, gripping sci-fi stories.


  14. AirCommodore says

    Adolf was my first Tezuka too, but I think my current favorite is Princess Knight by just a smidge- it’s so ridiculous and silly.


    aircdrewood at gmail dot com

  15. I started reading ‘Message to Adolf’ just a few days ago and it’s my first time reading Tezuka’s manga, but I think it might be my favourite of all time. The plot of that story is simply amazing, characters and intrigue are well-thought-out.
    Besides, I have seen some previews of others Tezuka’s works at Vertical’s tumbrl (the scene of conception in ‘Apollo’s song’ was truly marvellous, I’m impressed) and it looks like he is a genius at showing human nature. I already love the way he speaks against taboo subjects too.

    Link to my tweet:

  16. I’ve yet to read any of Tezuka’s works, but now would always be a good time to start!

    Retweeted as @KenshinGirl

  17. I’ve got to say that Black Jack’s my favorite Tezuka series. It’s long so there’s plenty to read, plus the surgical scenes are just fantastic. Black Jack as a character is wonderfully complex as well. Buddha is a close second, however!

    Retweeted as @MarcLumberjack

  18. Recently picked up MW, can’t wait to read more of Tezuka’s work!

  19. Buddha. I love Tatta’s terrible, tragic character arc.

  20. Few years ago, I read “Black Jack”, but when polish publisher dropped this manga, I also stopped reading this title. I remember, that I liked it very much, so maybe someday, I’ll pick Vertical edition. Now I’m really interested in MW and Unico, but I’m only beginner with Tezuka works, so I have to find my favourite one.
    Link to my tweet:

  21. I haven’t read any manga by tezuka except a couple of chapters of princess knight that was in a magazine. I really loved the art style and story, I hope to get one day and read his other works.

  22. Posted on behalf of Selene:

    I have never read any manga by Osamu Tezuka…

    I also retweeted your tweet about the contest :)

  23. I never read anything by Osamy tezuka but would love to if given chance.

    link to twitter


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