I started at my new job in April, which has gone pretty well so far, but it has still been a bit of a stressful transition moving from one library to another. As a result, considering my tendency to …
Bookshelf Overload: March 2017
Well then, I managed to acquire a rather large number of books in March. Unexpectedly, most of them weren't even manga. In part this was due to a bunch of comics that I had previously backed on …
Bookshelf Overload: February 2017
So, things got a little out of hand in February, mostly due to the fact that I came across a fair number of out-of-print and somewhat hard-to-find manga that I wasn't able to pass up. Other than that …
Bookshelf Overload: January 2017
Looking at the much more reasonable Bookshelf Overload for January after the absurdity that was December's is kind of strange. I feel like I must have missed something, but no, the list below is all …
Bookshelf Overload: December 2016
Well, December happened, as I knew it would. I took advantage of a large number of holiday and end of year sales and made good use of coupons and gift cards, so my wallet is happier than it would have …
Bookshelf Overload: November 2016
In an interesting trend, I seem to be picking up more and more non-manga comics lately. And in some months–take November as an example–the number of non-manga comics that I purchase even manage to …