So, I completely blew my resolution in April, which means I'm cracking down on myself for May. This means no new manga purchases with three exceptions: 1) I'm allowed to spend my gift certificates, 2) …
Bookshelf Overload: March 2011
Finally, it looks like I'm starting to get my manga purchasing under control. My impulse buying was way down in March; a lot of what made it to the shelf were purchases and preorders made in previous …
Bookshelf Overload: February 2011
February may be a short month, but that didn’t stop me from obtaining a fair amount of manga and other fun things. Most of the titles are actually from orders made in previous months that just …
Bookshelf Overload: January 2011
I did pretty well for myself in January and stuck to my resolution (see last month's bookshelf overload to understand what I'm talking about). So, which acquisitions particularly excited me this …
Bookshelf Overload: December 2010
In November, I had to try to curb my spending and was pretty successful. Unfortunately, I kinda overcompensated for this fact and went on a rampage of sorts in December. The damage wasn't quite as bad …
Bookshelf Overload: November 2010
I had to finally get around to fixing my car in order to make it home safely for Thanksgiving, so for November I tried to limit my purchases to things I had already ordered or preordered. I was …