We’re nearing the end of March, and that means it’s time for another manga giveaway! So, what do I have for you this month? A brand new copy of Old Boy, Volume 1 written by Garon Tsuchiya and illustrated by Nobuaki Minegishi from Dark Horse. The contest is open world-wide, but it’s another mature title, so please only enter if you’re over eighteen.
After ten years of solitary confinement for unknown reasons, eating nothing but the same Chinese takeout day after day, one of the first things that Shinichi Gotō does upon his release is go out for sushi. It’s a memorable scene in the manga, and a very memorable scene in Park Chan-wook’s live-action film Oldboy which is based on the series. Old Boy is not a food manga by any means but food is still very important to the story, especially towards the beginning. The Chinese takeout is the only clue Gotō has with which to start piecing together why he was imprisoned and who did it to him. The act of choosing his own meal proves that he really has been given his freedom and that some amount of control over his own life has been returned.
So, you may be wondering, how can you win a copy of Old Boy, Volume 1?
1) In the comments section below, tell me about a favorite scene that involves food from a manga of your choice.
2) Also in the comments—What would be the first thing you would eat after eating the same meal over and over again for ten years?
3) If you’re on Twitter, you can earn a bonus entry by tweeting about the contest. Make sure to include a link to this post and @PhoenixTerran (that’s me).
One person can earn up to three entries for this giveaway. The winner will be randomly selected on April 6, 2011. That gives you one week to enter for a chance to win. Good luck!
VERY IMPORTANT: Include some way that I can contact you. This can be an e-mail address, link to your website, Twitter username, or whatever. If I can’t figure out how to get a hold of you and you win, I’ll just draw another name.
Contest winner announced—Manga Giveaway: Omnivorous Old Boy Winner
Jason says
Not being able to limit myself to a single scene, I find the reactions from Kuroyanagi in Yakitate!! Japan are hilarious! Early on, I loved his reaction to the curry bread, and then later on when he eats a bread so delicious, he actually goes to heaven. Insane. As for my favorite food, I suppose I would want French Fries. Unless that was what I had been eating all along. Then, I think, some Pad Thai!
Bookworm Elf says
yay Old Boy! ^_^ I’ve seen the korean movie and really want to read the manga :3
soo the food… my current fav is this scene xD http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/Elf_Loreley/manga/180142_1876851123022_1293543395_2271723_5404809_n.jpg Elijah’s complete failure in cooking in Eden: It’s an Endless World!
as for the second question – I’d want ice cream *_*
Victor says
My favorite scene involving food is in Bambino when Bambi is trying to practice waiting for a table, and some policeman come in and find him talking to some street cones in chairs. Pretty awesome manga. :)
A pizza. Double-cheese muffin-topped with pepperoni. Hells yes.
Retweeted with @fake_brasilian
Sara Antoine kaelieth@ocis.net says
My favourite food scene was the one between Vash and Livio in Volume 10 of the trigun manga. It was touching in a goofball kinda way.
First thing I’d do after being locked up like that is find food too. Steak and bannock or lasagna or my dad’s stew recipe. Scotch would be involved no matter what.